Privacy policy

To help you get started, we've included an example privacy policy that's worked well in previous Dialogues. Please make sure to check and, where necessary, amend this for your Dialogue.

This Dialogue is being hosted by your organisation name.

The Dialogue will take place from start date to end date. Throughout the Dialogue, organisation name will require that participants register with the site. Participants will be required to provide a username and email address. The username will be made public along with the comments made in the Dialogue. Please consider this when choosing a username. This information is collected in order to provide organisation name with aggregate information related to what types of individuals and groups are participating in the Dialogue.

Traffic data is collected anonymously for the purposes of analysing visitor usage patterns; however, none of this data can be associated with your individual user identity within the dialogue. Organisation name will use these analytics to explain purpose of analytics.

Participants are reminded that the Dialogue is a public forum. Participants should therefore not post personally identifiable information such as telephone numbers on this website.